Following up to
Needed to send some SMS with information I wanted to copy'n'paste from my #Librem14 desktop.
Switched on the #PiKVM to get remote access to my #Librem5 connected to it and found the PiKVM not starting. Disconnecting the hdmi-cable for a few seconds made it boot.
When connected to the PiKVM with a browser the KVM session shows an empty desktop, because top and bottom bars are still on the Librem5s display. To get access to them I connected via ssh and ran the following
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000 wlr-randr --output DSI-1 --off
This disables the phones display and moves the top and bottom bar to the external display - the PiKVM sending it to my browser session.
To cut'n'paste I tested PiKVMs Text
- copy some text from the local desktop (in my example a simple text editor)
- open the
menu in the browser session showing PiKVMs web interface - paste the text to the text boxed in the menu
- press
button - confirm that I really want to paste the text
- it's pasted to where the cursor is active on the remote computer - in my case the Librem5
Nice to know even though the same can be achieved through an ssh session to the Librem5 by running
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000 echo "here I pasted whatever I wanted to have in my remote session from my desktop to the ssh session" | wl-copy
Got my #PiKVM out to make myself familiar with it.
To test it connected my #Librem5 to it and set it up to use the external screen as its only display.
It work just great!
#Millipixels is showing a picture of the beautiful case of the PiKVM - so at least part of this is #ShotOnLibrem5...
DE, Espresso
DE, Espresso
#Marese Bio #Espresso: Seit längerem eine Neuentdeckung, die bei mir auf die Bestenliste kommt.
#QuijoteKaffee hat bisher meine Liste angeführt. Mal schauen, wie die drei in der nächsten Runde schmecken.
It's the Yearly Poll™ time again! Do you use any of the following as a daily driver?
(That is, something you use and bring around with you most days - even if it's not your only mobile device)
If so, what is your experience?
PinePhone (/Pro) 29% (60 votes)
Librem 5 you voted for this answer 18% (38 votes)
OP6 / some "mainlined" Android phone 32% (66 votes)
Other Linux (e.g. "downstream" Ubuntu Touch) 20% (42 votes)
With the groundwork done in #phosh 0.25 and the (upcoming) 0.26 to move power button handling from the compositor (#phoc) to the shell (phosh) we'd have the bits in place to wire up a long press menu for e.g. emergency calls, screenshots, etc.
This certainly needs styling but it'd be nice to see the first bits in 0.27. I became used to it pretty quickly.
DE, KiTa, Streik
DE, KiTa, Streik
Ich gebe es nicht gern zu: ich ärgere mich über den #Streik in der #Kita. Ich wünsche den Streikenden Erfolg und bin mir sicher, dass ihre Forderungen gerechtfertigt sind. Ich schätze ihre Arbeit sehr.
Dennoch bröckelt meine Solidarität und ich ärgere mich über den zweiten eintägigen Streik.
Ich freue mich über gute Argumente, die mir den Ärger nehmen!
Meine spontane Meinung zu dem Eintagesstreik ist, dass er nicht die richtigen trifft. Er stell uns als Familie vor eine weitere organisatorische Hürde.
Er trifft aber unsere Arbeitgeber nicht. Bei einem Tag ist das mit dem Fernbleiben für die Betreuung der Kinder kein Problem. Das sind Lücken im Unternehmen, die schnell durch etwas schieben von Terminen und Umverteilen gefüllt sind.
Unsere Lücke bei den Urlaubstagen, die wir haben, um unsere #1EngelUnd4Bengel in den Schließzeiten/Schulferien zu betreuen, wird hingegen größer.
Irgendwann muss ich dann unbezahlten Sonderurlaub nehmen und die Lücke verschiebt sich in unsere Haushaltskasse.
Ein Streik von einer Woche oder mehr würde unsere Arbeitgeber treffen und diese müssten sich entsprechen ihrer Möglichkeiten über ihre jeweilige Lobby für eine Beendigung dieses Zustands stark machen.
Mir kommt das so vor, als würde die #Gewerkschaft ihren Konflikt auf den Schultern der Familien austragen. #Verdi, erklärt ihr mir, was ich übersehe?
The question about the 'patina' of a #Librem5 used daily came up on the Purism forums. I liked the idea and thought I'd post my actual state with some pictures to sometimes look back to it.
I'm using mine now for more than a year as my only mobile phone.
how? i2s audio input on a notebook
how? i2s audio input on a notebook
I justed stumbled over the question how I could get an i2s audio signal (1.8V) into my notebook.
I looked for some usb sound device offering such an input and didn't find a (cheap) solution.
It seems that it would technically be possible using an esp32 or some sbc like rock64 or raspberry pi to receive the data and send it out by wifi or bluetooth. But I'm not a programmer and didn't find a project I could build on.
I fear I overlooked some simple and cheap solution. Did I?
and we are live!! you can back the MNT Pocket Reform (open hardware 7" mini laptop) campaign now:
and we are very thankful for spreading the word!
Encryption is broken, because we do not separate the communication channel from the encryption device.
An interesting viewpoint and argument in this comment to an also interesting article by Ross Anderson.
#cloudflare does blocking me from loading a #kickstarter page because they have the impression that my browser might be to old to handle it. I just updated #firefox a few days ago to the at time of writing official version.
Yes, cloudflare might not be able to see the correct version because of settings making it harder to track my firefox, but should they care?
From every bad there comes something good: I had lost track of μArt and usb-serial-adapter and had searched for it. Using the name of the kickstarter product I couldn't access on I searched crowdsupply and found the adapter I had remembered .
In the end cloudflare protected me from buying the wrong product, because they thought my browser is to old.
@me as soon as chips are available to the public, anyone with KiCAD experience could whip up a module with the chip for Reform. we currently can't do it because in our experience the number of people who want to make performance sacrifices is quite small, not enough for us to survive on.
The discussion about #RiscV and the #VisionFive 2 on the Purism Forum is really interesting.
There are people who would prefer #Openness over #Performance and #Convenience (I'm counting me in - otherwise I wouldn't use a #PinePhone and a #Librem5).
I feel like a VisionFive 2, with open source drivers, firmware and software would be good enough for me. (iliketurtles)
I immediately had to think about the MNT Reform and their research in Risc-V.
Maybe they would be willing to evaluate putting an existing SOC like the StarFive StarFive JH7110 onto a CPU board for the MNT Reform to offer an alternative to the pricy MNT RKX7 FPGA Module.
If you are interested in #FLOSS and #OpenHardware you should read this article written by Nicole Faerber.
She jots down here insight on the industry and its history in just an answer to a discussion.
A great article by itself!
Some notes on what I really like about Alpine and its package manager, apk:
After playing around with phoc/phosh on my notebook I found that the media-keys in gnome didn't work anymore after closing #phoc and #phosh.
Later on I wasn't able to suspend my #Librem14 running #PureOS #Byzantium with #Gnome (3.38.5) on #Wayland by hitting Fn
It turned out that the gsd-media-keys¹ daemon got confused over phosh grabbing and releasing the controls.
Stopping the daemon via killall gsd-media-keys
and re-starting it using systemctl start
or executing /usr/libexec/gsd-media-keys &
, disown %1
restored the functioning of the hotkeys.
Didn't file an issue, yet, because I don't know if this is reproducible in newer versions of Gnome., maybe it'd be nice to add some information to the article in case people wonder why there hotkeys do not work after following those instructions?
¹this is the only documentation I found describing in short what the daemon does - any hints to newer official sources are welcome
A short introduction on how to use your desktop system for #MobileLinux development using a nested #phosh session (and without having to compile anything):
This is planned to have follow up parts, let's see how this works out.
Which processes use Xwayland?
lsof -E -aUc Xwayland
My #Librem5 had been delivered with a Redpine RS9116 M.2 Key E card for #Bluetooth and #Wifi.
I already owned two devices I wanted to use with my Librem5:
- a bluetooth mouse to be used alongside with my nexdock360
- a high quality noise canceling bluetooth headset I use for phone calls and sometimes to listen to music
Both didn't work well: the mouse wouldn't connect (Bluetooth LE only) and the headset connection was unreliable with a lot of stutter.
In newer Librem5s the SparkLAN WNFB-266AXI card is used for Bluetooth/Wifi. I exchanged the card to find out whether this would improve the situation and it did.
Both devices connect now, most of the stutter while listening to music is gone, the headset works for calls (but unusable due to bad quality) and my mouse connects and works fine. wrote a blog post about the new card and made it available on their shop.
P.D. If ever a small golden pin falls out of your Librem5 after you opened it read this forum post.