Uhm, I'm listening to using my while on my at my desk. Why?

There's this bug letting pipewire-pulse fail, because too many connections are open.

I didn't find a way to have the play directly using pipewire.

Nice to have the same software stack on my mobile phone which now is connected to my usb speakers.

moccafair Espresso El Rubio Bio

It's one of my . Sometimes it tasted just a tid too bitter, but usually very balanced.

People habituate to the incursion with some combination of agreement, helplessness, and resignation. The sense of astonishment and outrage dissipates. The incursion itself, once unthinkable, slowly worms its way into the ordinary. Worse still, it gradually comes to seem inevitable

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power
by Shoshana Zuboff

About – SHOSHANA ZUBOFF shoshanazuboff.com
Chris Vogel shared 2 days ago
Chris Vogel shared 2 days ago

I need to reclaim some space on the wall of my office and decided to transfer my notes about I tried into my blog to be searchable by their tag for future reference.

If you do not want to receive these posts please filter out the hashtag .

If you do want to share your own, please go ahead and use that tag - I'll subscribe to it.

My preference is strong with little to no acid and a good balance of bitterness. I care a lot about the source and try to find beans that are traded in a way that values the work of the people growing the coffee.

Nearly all of the coffee I buy is labeled to be grown ecological and I'd strongly prefer beans grown in the shadow. So far I couldn't identify easily in Germany.

Chris Vogel shared 4 days ago
Chris Vogel shared 4 days ago
Chris Vogel shared 4 days ago

After some time the brackwater between glass and knob gets really annoying. Some models of lids already bring some openings already in their design. If not…

now uses a different serial number for each board. This allows to use the same notebook on two different desks each installed with its own deskhop and different keyboards.

now can distinguish between the two keyboard/mouse combinations connected to deskhop. This allow for different setting/keymappings on the two different keyboards.

I added my solution to the original issue.

Due to the discussion around and the aspects of using it I read about .

Imagine - each time you fill a form on the some website you're actually leaving fingerprints on it by the way you type. If the site reads your keyboard through a websocket connection and thereby knows the rhythm you have clicking your single keys, the time you hold down each key and the pauses you make thinking, this is a biometric that might even reveal the mood you're in.

There's tons of literature out there about various aspects of using keystroke dynamics.

I'm using a * to connect my keyboard and mouse to my notebook and mobile phone to use both seamless like a multi-monitor setup.

Reading about a failed indiegogo campaign to build a usb device changing the metrics of typing in a way to cloak keystroke dynamics I had the idea that this maybe could be an extension to deskhops functionality.

Sending and receiving large or confidential files via is difficult: the size often is not accepted by the recipient and confidential content might be transported unencrypted and via any number of relaying smtp servers.

I used psitransfer for for a while, but it doesn't offer an upload protection for multiple users and it doesn't support handing out upload tickets to people that I'd like to invite to send me a file.

I'm now testing lufi on a . offers the integration into an existing user database (like in the case of yunohost openldap) and it allows users to invite third parties to send them files using a time limited upload ticket.

“Our ultimate ambition is to transform the overall Google experience, making it beautifully simple,” Larry Page said, “almost automagical because we understand what you want and can deliver it instantly.”

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power
by Shoshana Zuboff

About – SHOSHANA ZUBOFF shoshanazuboff.com
Chris Vogel shared 13 days ago

Clear sky, no s.

Copying the image from one to another .

Stars shining, just me my notebook and two usb connections.

, and no other peoples computers.

It's time to my to version 12. I started drafting and testing a plan on how to get through it without any unwelcome surprises.

If you're interested in upgrading your own yunohost: you're welcome to look at my draft (yes, I didn't write it with sharing in mind 😉).

Any feed back is welcome! When I'll done I'll publish the final version as a reply to this post.

Chris Vogel shared 17 days ago

Upgraded my testing vm successfully to .

My production is in some places modified and actively being used for , and some other things by friends+family.

To get an estimated of the time needed to upgrade it and find any issues beforehand I setup a testing board and copied the installation over to test the upgrade.

Chris Vogel shared a month ago