It turns out that the #Matrix protocol is very poorly designed. There are so serious problems that IMHO it will be easier to design a new protocol than fix this. Read the full article, it starts lightly and gets worse and worse with each point.
This feels strangely positive: you forget to put your #Librem5 on the charger in the evening. Next morning you get it out already with a spare battery in hand and find it running with 35% battery left.
This is such a huge improvement over the state of one year ago!
Before putting back my #yunohost #RockPro64 into my rack I measured power consumption for ~4h and ended up with ~0,158kWh/day or ~6,6W (measured between power converter and socket 230V~).
The #yunohost running this #microblogpub instance runs on a #RockPro64 in a #Pine64 nas case.
I started a year ago by installing it on an eMMC as a yunohost test, added two sata SSDs and now decided to simplify the setup by removing the eMMC boot medium.
Booting of the #SoftwareRaid configured on the SATA SSDs turned out to be less easy then I'd expected and I ended up preparing a #howto about doing this remote via ssh.
We released Tomb 2.10 with bugfixes, Argon2 support against password brute forcing and a shiny new website
@linmob @s31bz @bradlinder Yeah, the #librem5 is the one phone that most mobian developers currently recommend and use. Both purism and mobian devs are quite active with migrating things into @debian proper. We are aware of the price tag, but would like to reiterate that this actually includes salaries for mobile Linux developers.
Serial connection via breakout board to my #Librem5 using a μArt serial-usb adapter.
While waiting for some press-fit headers I'm using poor mans press fit connection with nylon string.
#ShotOnLibrem5, scaled using #ImagePipe, tooted with #Tuba
Heute per E-Mail von der Bank:
die Finanzwelt verändert sich ständig und die Sparkasse bleibt immer auf dem neuesten Stand. Für Sie machen wir Ihre Online-Banking-Anmeldung jetzt noch sicherer – mit der Geräteerkennung.
Aus Sicherheitsgründen wird ab Mitte Juli 2023 die Anmeldung von unbekannten Geräten nur noch mit einer zusätzlichen Freigabe per chipTAN oder pushTAN möglich. Sie haben die Möglichkeit, die Geräte, mit denen Sie sich im Online-Banking anmelden, als vertrauenswürdig zu speichern und sich künftig ohne diese zusätzliche Freigabe anzumelden.
Aus der FAQ dazu:
Warum wird mein Gerät nicht wiedererkannt, obwohl ich es bereits gespeichert habe?
Wahrscheinlich ist im Browser die Verwendung von Cookies deaktiviert.
Ich sehe nicht den Sicherheitsgewinn, den zweiten Faktor für die Anmeldung durch ein auf dem Gerät gespeichertes Merkmal zu ersetzen.
Verstehe ich das falsch?
New #Librem5 use case:
- Librem5 with a usb bluetooth dongle connected to usb-c
- the #bluetooth usb adapter is exported to my network via #usbip
- on my notebook I attach to the bluetooth adapter on the other end of our home over network
- the virtual bluetooth adapter in my notebook is connected to a windows session running in kvm
- the windows session contains software to view and configure the inverter of our photovoltaic modules
No need to sit on the floor in the room with that device to get a bluetooth connection.
If you are a Linux dev working on the mobile dev side of the things, I will have a Librem 5 USA to give if you:
- Tell me what you plan to use it for
- Send me a shipping label
Hey @telekom!
How am I supposed to destroy this written information I'm supposed to keep secret once I remembered it?
This thing survives ages...
This is really a helpful life hack I read about somewhere: for temporary connections use nylon string to hold the pins to the holes in the pcb...
Not everything perfect, yet: just used my #Librem5 to transfer money.
- connected keyboard and mouse through bluetooth (sparklan card)
- used
to get my login password for the banks page in firefox- found passff not working in my actual firefox configuration
- had to copy the username from
in a terminal, because I didn't find a way to get it inpass-mgr-compact
- read the email containing information about the transfer in
- confirmed the transfer using an external token that reads data from the screen of the L5
On the first try the L5 froze when I connected power after disconnecting the #LibremKey needed for my pass
from the L5.
Wrote this in #tangram.
@me I'm always wondering why they even ask this. Is it for the salutation they want to use? I do not like when companies ask for details that are irrelevant for their functioning.
Das Sternchen bedeutet, dass die Angabe obligatorisch ist.
I'm looking for nice shirts:
- buying the shirt should ideally support a nice project
- #fairtrade and #ecological
- good cut - no ill-fitting sacks
- #stylish - just #geeky doesn't do
- #colorful - don't need more black&white
Where's that shot taken?
scaled down using #ImageRoll
tooted with #Tuba
all on my #Librem5