After the release party yesterday for s beta 0.2.0 - first version tagged ever - we cleared out a last issue to make the beta release available for . You'll find the yunohost soon in the app catalog - hopefully with the antifeature for alpha stage gone.

Actually the yunohost version is one step ahead of the official beta 😉.


in reply to this object I still even though I have two problems:

  • memory is getting low on my host running all the services I'm using (4GB RAM)
  • time needed to maintain beside .

But it's still worth it I guess - otherwise I wouldn't have made the package version 2 to keep available for yunohosts next version.

BTW: for yunohost a database integration would be great - there's always running mariadb.

Hey ! For I configured for to monitor the user database and not much later got an email informing me about a change 👍.

My configuration templates can be found here as the three files named urlwatch*.


in reply to this object

I looked at this again and found that the two notes requested very often from my are those that I 'pinned' that can be found at /featured.

The rest are paths pointing to information about this side. Maybe it has been some kind of ?

Here's a config that helped me blocking the IPs:

# cat /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/manual.conf [Definition]
# cat /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/manual.conf [manual] enabled = true bantime = 14d

This seems to lead to a jail which isn't connected to a logfile and for which manually added IPs stay blocked for 14 days.

To block IPs I used fail2ban-client -vvv set manual banip $IP which leads to

# fail2ban-client status manual basic Status for the jail: manual |- Filter | |- Currently failed: 0 | |- Total failed: 0 | `- File list: `- Actions |- Currently banned: 4 |- Total banned: 4 `- Banned IP list:

fail2ban is integrated into my and even though it doesn't come with the greatest documentation I'm starting to love it.

Just installed the ynh8 app integration on my flohmarkt.

I added an hourly check of the user database of to send out an email notification for changes.

To enable admins through the web gui to change the address I added a configuration panel and while at it I put the setup URL for the initial setup of a new flohmarkt installation on the configuration panel, too.

Now it should be easy to install and initialize a flohmarkt instance by only using yunohosts web gui.


in reply to this object

If you're running your on a the update will be available any minute.

If you're self-hosting on a home line any byte less to be transmitted will help 🙃 .

If you can read this you're reading a note created on my instance on my . the author of created an integration for yunohost in package format version 1.

yunohost moved on and created the packaging format version 2.

Building on the work of Thomas I upgraded the package to the newer packaging format and integrated it into yunohosts app catalogue where it will appear within the next 24h.

If you're using on a yunohost you'll be offered an update of the app once it has been included into the catalog.

Thanks Thomas for that great software!

(This note is my first one written on my updated v2 integration on yunohost.)

Story is probably not new: using a (linux mobile) and everybody insists on using WhatsApp. I didn't care. But all activities the kids want to take part: .

I could try to evangelize all these football trainers, parents representatives at schools, parents of friends to use something that I'm able to use on my linux phone, but I can't: lack of energy, lack of time, lack of alternatives with the same feature set and stability.

Got out an old Sony Z1 running . Really old software. Got an so far unused SIM. I used Aurora Store from F-Droid to install WhatsApp from the Google Store on that Android. Registered to WhatsApp and it worked fine sending one test message that never arrived, because the other side didn't have my phone number in their contacts (I guess).

I installed as a server on my and put mautrix-whatsapp on its own system using the latest docker image following the documentation to get a minimum configuration running.

Yeah, works. Coupled WhatsApp on the Android Z1 with the bridge and send two test messages resulting in This account can no longer use WhatsApp due to spam shown on the device.

Is that most likely because of my 10+ years device + rooted + Magisk + fake google app store or is it something others are experiencing when trying to use the bridge with of the shelf devices, too?

My plan has been to run an independent phone number for WhatsApp on a device that only has contacts for WhatsApp in its phone book and make it available to family members through matrix.

Our participation in society relies in many aspects on the goodwill of a few monopolistic companies that we depend on. They write the rules which device (Android or iOS) and which software (only their own doing whatever they program it to do) we're supposed to use. They train the algorithms that can cut you off our participation.

I wouldn't care the least. I'd even smile when reading this thinking that it's exactly what people supporting companies like facebook/whatsapp deserve. But if the participation of my kids in society is at stake (and not my own which I well can organize without any messenger) it makes me sad.

apps und :

  1. yunohost Konto für smtp Zugangsdaten


  • wenn die Verbindung zu localhost konfiguriert wird, stimmt das Zertifikat für tls nicht. In manchen Applikationen mag das nicht übersteuerbar sein.
  • Im Konto sammeln sich die Antworten auf ausgegangene E-Mails der Applikation sofern Menschen auf die Idee kommen welche dorthin zu schreiben.

Ansonsten funktioniert das und per Weiterleitung kann man sich die E-Mails eines solchen Kontos auch an ein anderes Konto schicken lassen.

  1. /etc/postfix/app_senders_login_maps


  • muss im Manifest der App konfiguriert sein
  • benötigt möglicherweise einen Patch der Standard Konfiguration

Die App muss diese Integration in ihrem manifest.toml konfiguriert haben und man benötigt evtl. einen Patch.

Wenn im Manifest ein Abschnitt für die Definition einer email domain und eines email Absenders steht (vergleiche flohmarkt, dann trägt yunohost bei der Installation in /etc/postfix/app_senders_login_maps die daraus resultierende E-Mail-Adresse ein.

Im install Skript kann die App dann die festgelegte E-Mail-Adresse in der zu generierenden Konfigurationsdatei eintragen.

Das soll dazu führen, dass die App ohne Passwort und ggf. ohne SSL über localhost eine E-Mail schicken darf, weil postfix erkennt, dass der Linux Benutzer der App berechtigt ist die Absenderadresse zu verwenden.

Das funktioniert nur, wenn der in der Benutzerverwaltung kein gleichnamiges Konto und kein gleichnamiges Alias existieren, weil es in yunohost 11.3 noch ein Problem mit der Postfix Konfiguration in /etc/postfix/ gibt.

Hierzu gibt es einen PR im yunohost repo mit einer verbesserten Konfiguration.

Finally did it 🙃 - migrated my onto my and found a bunch of problems with the integration.

For release ynh6 I plan to fix these problems without adding any new features.

If you're already trying flohmarkt_ynh at this early stage of development please follow the issues to be aware of known problems.


Just merged ynh5 of the app. Soon it will be available on the yunohost catalog.

  • multiple installs of flohmarkt on the same yunohost should work
  • backup, restore and remove now only affect the CouchDB database and user of the actual instance of flohmarkt (thanks to Daniele Bailo for couchdb-dump)
  • symlinks are generated to distinguish between the flohmarkt, flohmarkt__2, flohmarkt__x directories when having multiple instances installed.
YunoHost app store | flohmarkt

in reply to this object

Thanks ♥ !

That is good news. Now I can include the option to install multiple on the same into the next packaging! Still on it tinkering with new filenames and directory layout to make it easier to find which files belong to which domain/path when having multiple flohmarkts installed. Hopefully migration of the old layout will work!

I'm working on the next version of the integration of into .

Help is - you guessed it already - very welcome 🙃 !


made it into the app catalog and can be installed on any yunohost since yesterday.

Part of the flohmarkt team celebrated yesterday on the flohmarkt IRC channel.

Over a glass of our favourite drink and me found a way to extend the logging to make it possible to integrate flohmarkt into fail2ban.

During the night flohmarkt_ynh passed the integration test by the CI on github.

There's still a lot of work ahead to make the integration perfect, but splitting up into small steps makes progress easy.

I wrote a draft about the development workflow that is open for discussion and hopefully already makes it possible for people interested to help testing, maintaining and extending the integration to get started.

Celebrate with us! After a long and steep learning curve about yunohost packaging it is possible to test flohmarkt on yunohost.

Many thanks to all the developers of yunohost and yunohost-app integrations who answered my questions on matrix.

YunoHost app store | flohmarkt

Ha! First time I pushed the Assign button on my flohmarkt for the first article finally sold (out). All people interested in the pcb and parts received a message that I sold them all.

I hope that the will grow until there are enough people to exchange goods and services locally and generally quickly find the things I'm looking for or find someone interested in the stuff I do not want anymore, but that might be of value for someone else.

Maybe the upcoming integration will enable some more people to run an instance of their own.


Hey ys! Really, I sold the first thing on flohmarkt. It's new owner communicated with me through fediverse DMs.

My flohmarkt is running on a at the moment and my exposes the https URL as a reverse-proxy using the app redirect.

This way my yunohost takes care of providing and renewing the Let's encrypt certificate. flohmarkt as an application connected to the needs a trusted cert so the other fediverse instances can talk to it.

I'd like to get back my RockPro64 to have it ready for other purposes and started integration of flohmarkt into yunohost to move my flohmarkt onto the yunohost.

If you'd like to help testing your issues on codeberg are very welcome.

Let's make flohmarkt bigger so there'll be a lot more people to offering and looking for whatever information, help, goods someone might care to exchange with their fellow ys! 🙃


in reply to this object 😘

Need to upgrade. I thought I could wait for the first integration of , but there are still too many rough edges. Anybody wants to help with it (testing is very welcome also)?


Hey - that's such a cool service your running!

Thanks a lot - I started donating!

It works really well in conjunction with my hosting this microblog.