Just to mention it:

Updated a Sony Z3c running and upgraded a tablet running . Thanks for all the people who build these systems!

It took me about two hours to

  • get the backup on the Sony working in twrp with a sdcard
  • do full system backups
  • update CarbonROM manually, because the reboot into recovery doesn't work
  • getting a stable usb connection to the tablet by rotating ports, cables and orientations of the plugs
  • install a newer version of recovery.img on the tablet
    • needed to recap how this is done in Linux using heimdall
  • install the newer LineageOS via adb sideload

Looking back at the process I prefer much upgrading my and I need to get back to the idea of getting a to get rid of the dependency on the LineageOS tablet.

Note to myself:

When I want to start my Sony installed with in mode I need to to switch it off, disconnect usb and then push and hold volume-down and power together until I see starting.


  • disconnect usb
  • shutdown / switch-off the phone
  • press and hold volume-down and power button …
  • …until you see twrp booting

Don't try adb, don't try rebooting from CarbonROM into twrp - you didn't get it to work the last time you tried 😉


Neulich bei Kapitän Blaubeer in der Sendung mit der Maus 😀

Chris Vogel shared 11 months ago

Note to myself to remember:

If I delete/change/add Active Directory Domains in I need to make sure that in REALMS the changes are reflected.

Otherwise an authentication attempt using wpa_supplicant -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/packetfence-demo.conf -D wired -i ens192 might end with EAP-TLV: TLV Result - Failure.

Chris Vogel shared 11 months ago
Chris Vogel shared 11 months ago

[DE] Deutsche Umwelthilfe

Geschafft. Wir sind Familienmitglied der Deutschen Umwelthilfe geworden und freuen uns so die Arbeit des Vereins unterstützen zu können.

Auch ohne Mitgliedschaft:

Chris Vogel shared 11 months ago

- a lot of improvement!

It is really nice to see that during the last few days

  • irc channel started on Libera.Chat
  • the flohmarkt repository has been re-organized to let volunteers write to the wiki
  • the activity on open issues increased immensely

This would be a dream come true to have an open and decentralized small ads market place.

Libera Chat Libera Chat
Chris Vogel shared 1 year, 9 days ago
Chris Vogel shared 1 year, 1 month ago

Our battery vacuum cleaner Dreame V10 (VVN5) stopped working for more than a few seconds and shows a warning.

I thought it'd be easy to get a new battery, but doesn't seem so. I opened up the battery pack to find 7 Samsung INR 18650 cells and a PCB.

The cells are electrowelded to their connectors with two little dots. Something I couldn't do to replace them to the pack.

So I asked a company specialized in refurbishing batteriy packs and they told me that they wouldn't do this, because once disconnected the PCB would shut down and stop working. They wouldn't be able to bring it back to life.

They can't offer me replacing the cells mechanically, because of - liability and warranty laws.

Chris Vogel shared 1 year, 2 months ago

Hallo Admin,

unser Umfeld folgt dem Prinzip von und . Wenn Du die Ursache für einen Fehler gefunden hast, dann kannst Du überlegen, ob Du sie beheben kannst oder versuchst den Fehler zu umgehen ().

Da beginnt das dünne Eis: Workarounds fallen uns immer wieder vor die Füße, weil sie für den Rest der Menschheit unerwartet auftauchen, das Verhalten von Installationen so verändern, dass es nicht mehr der Dokumentation entspricht und sie werden nicht von den Herstellern mit gepflegt. Nach Updates fängt dann häufig die Suche an.

Durch genaue Beobachtung kann man natürlich auch Workarounds finden, die ohne die Kenntnis der Ursache des eigentlichen Problems, das Problem umschiffen.

Das mag manchmal wie eine Abkürzung erscheinen, aber mir ist es häufig genug passiert, dass mir diese Bastelarbeiten an anderer Stelle selbst dann viel Arbeit in der Nachpflege und/oder Fehlersuche verursacht haben.

Wenn Du dann noch darüber nachdenkst, was man alles mit der Zeit hätte anfangen können, die aufgewendet wird um an unterschiedlichen Stellen, in unterschiedlichen Organisationen und von unterschiedlichen Leuten Bastelarbeiten für die Umgehung von Fehlern durchzuführen, dann wird schnell klar, dass im Sinn der das Lösen von Fehlern deutlich effektiver ist, als das Umschiffen derselben.

Nun können wir das nicht anderen vorschreiben (ich Dir ja auch nicht :) ), aber alle Beteiligten können für sich entscheiden, welche Herangehensweise ihnen besser gefällt und diese für sich selbst annehmen.

Und ja, wir müssen auch in Hinblick auf unserer Verfügbaren Mittel Maß halten und können in manchen Fällen das Problem nicht lösen. Aber Melden des Problems beim Hersteller und Beschreiben des verwendeten Workarounds sollte eigentlich drin sein - insbesondere bei Free Libre Open Source Software.

Apell fertig. :)

Dein Mit-Admin.

If a service wants you to download for or to activate mandatory 2nd authentication factor:

  • It's the same as using <space> nitropy nk3 secrets add-otp --protect-with-pin --touch-button --digits-str 6 --kind totp paloalto <seed> with your 3 - don't forget to check the command history to delete the key from there in case the leading space of the nitropy-command didn't stop your shell from saving the command to history.
  • If they then show you a QR you're supposed to scan with your always online, known to be unsecure, sending everything to the cloud device there's ususally a button for can't scan that'll show you the seed
  • If on the page then makes it impossible to copy that seed at least in firefox there's right click/inspect (q) which you can use to have a quick look at the source of the element to copy the seed from the source (think about how secure your clipboard is and whether you need to delete the seed afterwards from it. Big mess: clipboard history writing to disk possibly without full disk encryption).
  • Otherwise - if there's no way to get a text view of the seed - take a screenshot of the qr, save it, and use zbarimg <screenshot-file> to get the text reading from the qr

I'm migrating from a to a 3c. One OTP made it to my new Nitrokey and the rest still sits on the LibremKey. I updated my OS and installed the new utility which can't handle the LibremKey.

is still installed on my and while it is easy to use that way it is even easier from my desktop. Waypipe didn't work, but ssh librem5 NitrokeyAuthenticator -platform vnc opens an unprotected vnc port…

purism@pureos:~$ netstat -pnlt | grep Nitro (Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.) tcp6 0 0 :::5900 :::* LISTEN 2019/NitrokeyAuthen

…which I can connect to to get an otp before migrating it to the new token.

And after disconnecting the ssh session the application keeps running and still can be connected to.

Hey - that's such a cool service your running!

Thanks a lot - I started donating!

It works really well in conjunction with my hosting this microblog.


Chris Vogel shared 1 year, 3 months ago
Chris Vogel shared 1 year, 3 months ago