On the strength of Google’s inventions, discoveries, and strategies, it became the mother ship and ideal type of a new economic logic based on fortune- telling and selling—an ancient and eternally lucrative craft that has fed on humanity’s confrontation with uncertainty from the beginning of the human story

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power
by Shoshana Zuboff

About – SHOSHANA ZUBOFF shoshanazuboff.com

Reinvestment in user services became the method for attracting behavioral surplus, and users became the unwitting suppliers of raw material for a larger cycle of revenue generation

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power
by Shoshana Zuboff

About – SHOSHANA ZUBOFF shoshanazuboff.com

This symbiosis enabled Google’s algorithms to learn and produce ever-more relevant and comprehensive search results. More queries meant more learning; more learning produced more relevance. More relevance meant more searches and more users

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power
by Shoshana Zuboff

About – SHOSHANA ZUBOFF shoshanazuboff.com

Surveillance capitalism unilaterally claims human experience as free raw material for translation into behavioral data

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power
by Shoshana Zuboff

About – SHOSHANA ZUBOFF shoshanazuboff.com

My mind is blown on every page by the depth of Shoshana’s research, the breadth of her knowledge, the rigor of her intellect, and finally by the power of her arguments. I’m not sure we can end the age of surveillance capitalism without her help, and that’s why I believe this is the most important book of our time.”

—Doc Searls, author of The Intention Economy, and editor-in-chief of Linux Journal

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power
by Shoshana Zuboff

About – SHOSHANA ZUBOFF shoshanazuboff.com

For tech-minded people it might be easy to setup an ad blocker, but can you build a shelter?

In her speech Meredith Whittaker talks about how it made what we call possible and the difference of being targeted with a wrong and being put on a list.


Die Rede der Zukunftspreisträgerin www.helmut-schmidt.de