Chris Vogel
not yet
- intent
no sarcasm, no irony
- hashtag
#packetfence, #yunohost, #flohmarkt, #librem5, #ShotOnLibrem5, #microblogpub, #Lite3DP, #deskhop, #espressi
- matrix
Creating a team account for the fediverse
I had the idea to configure a place where people could share news about our part of town.
My objective has been to connect this to the fediverse, but also make it possible as a webpage.
I'm hosting my stuff on a small computer running #yunohost on a home internet line and do neither have a lot of CPU/RAM nor bandwith.
target specification
fediverse server
After looking around I opted for #GoToSocial. It works with very little CPU and RAM and is available for #yunohost.
I created an account to be used by the authors who might want to write news and put some information on the profile.
sharing credentials?
Having one account for hopefully multiple future authors writing on it sound like sharing credentials.
I didn't need to, because while looking for some software to boost notes by some helpful criteria I stumbled over
…offers exactly what I've been looking for without knowing it in advance.
Once registered as an app and given a token for an account it is called in intervalls (e.g. by cron) and
at the notes beginning and if it finds it removes it and toots the rest of the contentPerfect. The team account follows all team members (no matter whether local or remote) and re-toots whatever is meant to be re-tooted.
is designed for Mastodon and didn't work from initially with GoToSocial. But with some help I could adopt it to work.You can find the version I use in my fork as branch GoToSocial.
result and bonus
A simple solution running with very little ressources usage that does exactly what I've been looking for.
As a bonus the timeline of the team account can be made available as RSS by switching the feature on in the accounts settings.
The editorial team is simply the list of accounts the team account follows. (German)