Receiving SMS plays a long tune on my . For a few persons I'd like to have this tune played also if they send me a message using .

A problem is that the flatpak does not use yet to signal new messages and on there's no way to define different sounds for different notification events.

So I started testing a small script to read notifications and trigger feedback for messages coming from an account containing some string:

#!/usr/bin/python3 import gi import time gi.require_version('Lfb', '0.0') from gi.repository import Lfb from gi.repository import GLib import dbus from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop def print_notification(bus, message): keys = ["app_name", "replaces_id", "app_icon", "summary", "body", "actions", "hints", "expire_timeout"] args = message.get_args_list() if len(args) == 8: notification = dict([(keys[i], args[i]) for i in range(8)]) if "account_i_want_to_be_notified_for_like_it_would_be_sms" in notification["summary"]: print( notification["summary"], ': ', notification["body"] ) event.trigger_feedback() Lfb.init('org.sigxcpu.lfbexample') event ='message-new-sms') loop = DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True) session_bus = dbus.SessionBus() session_bus.add_match_string("type='method_call',interface='org.freedesktop.Notifications',member='Notify',eavesdrop=true") session_bus.add_message_filter(print_notification) GLib.MainLoop().run()

After playing around with phoc/phosh on my notebook I found that the media-keys in gnome didn't work anymore after closing and .

Later on I wasn't able to suspend my running with (3.38.5) on by hitting Fn-Esc.

It turned out that the gsd-media-keys¹ daemon got confused over phosh grabbing and releasing the controls.

Stopping the daemon via killall gsd-media-keys and re-starting it using systemctl start or executing /usr/libexec/gsd-media-keys &, disown %1 restored the functioning of the hotkeys.

Didn't file an issue, yet, because I don't know if this is reproducible in newer versions of Gnome., maybe it'd be nice to add some information to the article in case people wonder why there hotkeys do not work after following those instructions?

¹this is the only documentation I found describing in short what the daemon does - any hints to newer official sources are welcome