@me Good news: Fractal (and other clients) don't need to use feedbackd directly. They just needs to set the `im.received` `category` on the notification: (https://specifications.freedesktop.org/notification-spec/latest/categories.html) and #phosh handles the details.
This is supported by about all notification client libs (libnotify, glib/gio (https://docs.gtk.org/gio/method.Notification.set_category.html)
Maybe file an issue with Fractal for that? Given that Fractal uses glib/gio it's a one line change.
Receiving SMS plays a long tune on my #Librem5. For a few persons I'd like to have this tune played also if they send me a message using #matrix.
A problem is that the #fractal flatpak does not use #feedbackd yet to signal new messages and on #PureOS #Byzantium there's no way to define different sounds for different notification events.
So I started testing a small script to read notifications and trigger feedback for messages coming from an account containing some string: