My USB-C #LibremKey worked just fine for 4 month on my bunch of keys. Now the adapter broke. The strain in daily use has been too much. I looked for another solution that might last longer and came up with a metal adapter that doesn't include a cable.
It is a bit harder to use - especially if the #Librem5 is not laying flat on a surface, but it turned out that I didn't use it too often anyway while it has been really nice to keep it around and be able to use it with my Librem5.
In places where I often use the LibremKey I still have adapters with a short cable to not put unnecessary strain on the connectors.
My USB-C #LibremKey worked just fine for 4 month on my bunch of keys. Now the adapter broke. The strain in daily use has been too much. I looked for another solution that might last longer and came up with a metal adapter that doesn't include a cable.
It is a bit harder to use - especially if the #Librem5 is not laying flat on a surface, but it turned out that I didn't use it too often anyway while it has been really nice to keep it around and be able to use it with my Librem5.
In places where I often use the LibremKey I still have adapters with a short cable to not put unnecessary strain on the connectors.