Finally did it 🙃 - migrated my onto my and found a bunch of problems with the integration.

For release ynh6 I plan to fix these problems without adding any new features.

If you're already trying flohmarkt_ynh at this early stage of development please follow the issues to be aware of known problems.


Just merged ynh5 of the app. Soon it will be available on the yunohost catalog.

  • multiple installs of flohmarkt on the same yunohost should work
  • backup, restore and remove now only affect the CouchDB database and user of the actual instance of flohmarkt (thanks to Daniele Bailo for couchdb-dump)
  • symlinks are generated to distinguish between the flohmarkt, flohmarkt__2, flohmarkt__x directories when having multiple instances installed.
YunoHost app store | flohmarkt
Chris Vogel shared 2 months ago
Chris Vogel shared 2 months ago
Chris Vogel shared 2 months ago

Haha, that's nice: because I had contact with the seller related to the item before sent me a DM when the seller changed the price of the item.

Chris Vogel shared 2 months ago

I'm working on the next version of the integration of into .

Help is - you guessed it already - very welcome 🙃 !


don't if you never wash your hands

When washing my hands…

  • …I leave the cold water running 0% (0 votes)

  • …I leave the hot water running 0% (0 votes)

  • …I open the cold water tap shortly to wet my hands and rinse them after washing 100% (2 votes)

  • …I open the hot water tap shortly to wet my hands and rinse them after washing 0% (0 votes)

Finally looked into the options to change the appearance of my this note is written on.

Nice 😀. Using to tinker with the colours on the opened page and change the css I drafted some changes.

I put the color changes into data/_theme.scss, but overriding the layout of dd/dd to not contain nowrap in dl { didn't work that way. I had to change that in app/scss/main.scss which I believe is not meant to be done this way.

I guess there must be some way to override the settings from app/scss/main.scss somewhere in data/ to seperate code and configuration.

Maybe someone or even could shed some light onto this.

I started this instance in September 2022 and I've gotten very used to it and wouldn't want to miss this great application and its near perfect balance between simplicity/being light and offering exactly the feature set I like to have.

Chris Vogel shared 2 months ago

made it into the app catalog and can be installed on any yunohost since yesterday.

Part of the flohmarkt team celebrated yesterday on the flohmarkt IRC channel.

Over a glass of our favourite drink and me found a way to extend the logging to make it possible to integrate flohmarkt into fail2ban.

During the night flohmarkt_ynh passed the integration test by the CI on github.

There's still a lot of work ahead to make the integration perfect, but splitting up into small steps makes progress easy.

I wrote a draft about the development workflow that is open for discussion and hopefully already makes it possible for people interested to help testing, maintaining and extending the integration to get started.

Celebrate with us! After a long and steep learning curve about yunohost packaging it is possible to test flohmarkt on yunohost.

Many thanks to all the developers of yunohost and yunohost-app integrations who answered my questions on matrix.

YunoHost app store | flohmarkt
Chris Vogel shared 2 months ago
Chris Vogel shared 2 months ago

Ha! First time I pushed the Assign button on my flohmarkt for the first article finally sold (out). All people interested in the pcb and parts received a message that I sold them all.

I hope that the will grow until there are enough people to exchange goods and services locally and generally quickly find the things I'm looking for or find someone interested in the stuff I do not want anymore, but that might be of value for someone else.

Maybe the upcoming integration will enable some more people to run an instance of their own.


DE, Politik

Ein Lokalpolitiker von Bündis90/Die Grünen wechselt zur CDU. Zitate aus einem Artikel¹⁾ hierzu:

„Ich möchte mich mit den realen Sorgen und Ängsten der Menschen wie etwa hohe Energierechnungen beschäftigen. Und nicht damit, welche Art von Männchen eine Ampel erhält.“

Beschäftigungsfelder der Grünen aber seien in letzter Zeit nur Randthemen gewesen, die für Tugcu „absolut nicht infrage kamen und nicht vertretbar waren.“

Werden wir in einigen Jahren herausfinden, dass ein konservativer Thinktank auf die Idee gekommen war, nicht konservative politische Gruppierungen sich in Diskussionen über Sprache und Geschlechteridentität aufreiben zu lassen?


A . There are two pitfalls in this code. One cloaking the other. Can you see them?


# generate a random string of length '$bytes' using characters from
# expression '$chars'
generate_random_string() {
  local bytes=${1:-24}
  local chars=${2:-'A-Za-z0-9'}

  dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=1111 2>/dev/null \
    | tr --complement --delete "$chars" \
    | sed --quiet 's/\(.\{'"$bytes"'\}\).*/\1/p'

# function generate_random_string is meant to be used in different
# scripts in contexts like:
# generating a random password
echo "password = '$(generate_random_string)'"
# generating a 64 byte seed base64 encoded
echo "seed = '$(generate_random_string 86 'a-zA-Z0-9/+')=='"
Chris Vogel shared 3 months ago

Hey ys! Really, I sold the first thing on flohmarkt. It's new owner communicated with me through fediverse DMs.

My flohmarkt is running on a at the moment and my exposes the https URL as a reverse-proxy using the app redirect.

This way my yunohost takes care of providing and renewing the Let's encrypt certificate. flohmarkt as an application connected to the needs a trusted cert so the other fediverse instances can talk to it.

I'd like to get back my RockPro64 to have it ready for other purposes and started integration of flohmarkt into yunohost to move my flohmarkt onto the yunohost.

If you'd like to help testing your issues on codeberg are very welcome.

Let's make flohmarkt bigger so there'll be a lot more people to offering and looking for whatever information, help, goods someone might care to exchange with their fellow ys! 🙃

Chris Vogel shared 3 months ago