Chris Vogel
not yet
- intent
no sarcasm, no irony
- hashtag
#packetfence, #yunohost, #flohmarkt, #librem5, #ShotOnLibrem5, #microblogpub, #Lite3DP, #deskhop, #espressi
- matrix
in reply to this object
#flohmarkt is a tool to publish content in the form of a small ad / classified ad: on other fediverse services it scrolls by in the timeline. On a flohmarkt site it sticks in its place like a slip of paper containing a note on some bulletin board.
People can offer or search for services or goods. The federation radius irl across different flohmarkts can be limited by a distance setting.
Primary goal is to help people meet and exchange services, goods, opinions.
So you only trade with people in your web of trust? That’s not feasible. People flock to these websites to trade with strangers. You don’t need a middleman to trade with people you already trust.